.99 Wednesday For Me…Do You Know The Specials In Your Area?

.99 Wednesday For Me...Do You Know The Specials In Your Area?

Thrift stores are cheap. Looking for discounts at them seems silly, right?


And you call yourself a thrifter??

It may seem silly to check for daily/weekly specials at thrift stores since they usually are already such a deal. But why not, right? If they offer, we shall partake. We are thrifters.

So this is a friendly reminder to make sure you know about your local specials, Goodwill and non Goodwill.

Something to note is that Goodwills are different from region to region, so deals are not the same throughout the country.

Sidenote- neither are gift cards. I found this out the hard way one Christmas.

I am however fairly certain that all Goodwills rotate and manage their inventory using their wonderful color system. New inventory coming in gets a certain color each week, out of about 5 colors. Each week there is a different color that is half off, and it is the color that came in the longest time ago, get it?

However some Goodwills, like mine, take it a step further and offer the color of the week for .99 on certain days.

If you must.

In my case, this is Wednesday and Sunday, so these are particularly good days to go. The chance of snatching something amazing up for .99 is just too hard to pass up. And believe me it happens.

(See above picture and other posts)

However, if Goodwill really isn’t your favorite cup of tea (I don’t know anyone who it isn’t at least ONE of their cups of tea), rest assured, they are not the only places that do specials.

For example, another thrift store in my area, 12th Ave Thrift, which supports veterans, has 25-35% off every Saturday. Yeah. Seems crazy to have discounts on already cheap prices, but hey, I’ll take it and I’ll like it. Ain’t no problem here.


You have this type of discount, my most favoritest kind:

Me, at the register purchasing my wares, “I’m sorry, what cost 3.99?” (Thinking the item was supposed to be 4.99)

Sweet older veteran cashier, “This shirt, I’m giving you a dollar off, do you still want it?”

Me, “Yes, yes I still want. And I’m sorry I spoke out of turn.”


Nice man. Nice man. After my own heart.

And since I haven’t been to Goodwill in over a week (I just got back from an amazing San Francisco/Northern California getaway. Amazing. In case you missed that the first time) and it is Wednesday, it seems an appropriate time for me to check it out.

The picture above are some great brown khaki shorts I found a few months ago on .99 Wednesday at the east Nashville Goodwill on Gallatin Pike.

They have become my hiking shorts.

Cause they’re brown?

I don’t know. But they’re comfortable, and apparently get me in an earthy mood. Done.

Above, I am wearing them inside a tree.

Oh you need some more explanation?

A redwood tree in Muir Woods Monument in Northern California. I just like the way that sounds. Northern Califooornia. They’re huuuuge.

That park was awesome, really felt a little like a midget for the day. Also fun.
