If this is what cheating gets me…

If this is what cheating gets me...

…then I’m sorry, I’m not gonna stop.

Oh, also, I cut all my hair off 🙂

And what more does a pixie cut need than a ponies are pretty shirt. So many p’s in there.

This shirt set me back $3.59. And put me forward a whole lot more.

So cute.

Happy thrifting AND living,

Jaime ❤


Wide leg trouser button front jeans- $6.59.

Wide leg trouser button front jeans- $6.59.

I’m not gonna lie- I cheated on Goodwill the last couple days with a not so little thrift store down here called ‘The Southern Thrift’. I’m not ashamed, I got some good stuff.

Including these button front (I am and always have been obsessed with this classic button front high, or semi high, waist style) wide leg trousers by Ann Taylor Loft for…$6.59.

I paired these trousers with one of my favorite imitation vintage graphic tees I got for right around 3.48 at Tar-jay clearance a couple years ago. I got another pattern in the same style shirt, pink with a big graphic butterfly, at the same time, but sadly am afraid I got rid of it in one of those silly times I ACTUALLY cleaned out my closet. I won’t let that happen again.

These both were paired with my trusty open toed flats by blowfish that I got for around $20 at DSW probably more than 2 years ago. And I kid you not, I get compliments on EVERY time I wear them. I really don’t get it, but clearly they’re something special. I hope they NEVER DIE, knock on wood, because I wear them year round, get compliments on them, and am not sure what will happen to me if they do. So we just won’t think about it.

Blowfish. Please keep on keepin’ on. Mama’s got ya.

Side side note- clearly I love this blowfish brand- Goodwill blessed me with a pair of perfect little grey booties by blowfish this last year for $3. Love them as well. But my flats always come first. I’m a grounded girl and I like it that way.

I also got a great oversized quilted ‘purse’ that I will use as a brief case of sorts for notebooks and a laptop (my friend’s, mine is still…broken).

The rest of the list includes size appropriate (smaller than a quarter) clip on (fun!) earrings for work, and a shirt that rivals my imitation graphic tee, and that I may make a separate post to share, a tee from AE that says, “Ponies are pretty,” done. Done. Boatneck shortsleeve pink perfection. $3.59. I will share.
