Dream….about mugs from Goodwill and other things…


Orange ceramic mug, textured, .99

I love tea bags with inspirational messages on their strings.

And I love cheap cute mugs at Goodwill for .99.


I don’t usually need a reminder to do said dreaming, but it is always nice that the encouragement is out there.

Dream, dream big dreams and dream things that only you would.  And work towards it.  Give it to the world and see what happens.

Sorry I don’t have a picture of the whole mug on here, I just wanted to snap this inspiration and post it on instagram (@findbeautyinallthings) but I will maybe do a post with all the cute mugs (like 5 or so of them…?) that I have obtained from Goodwill, and that I love drinking out warm things out of, and eating cold things….cold creamy things…ice cream.  I’m talking about ice cream 🙂

This tea was chamomile lavender.  Quite nice, but not as good as I thought it would be, but I added a little skinny girl agave sweetener and then it was just right.

I’m trying to be better about drinking things like tea instead of maybe soda, beer, or coffee…but never instead of wine, never that.

Happy thrifting and living,

❤ Jaime